MA-3329 Modern Geometry                                                   Name: ____________________________


Gauss-Bonnet Day                (Gauss rhymes with mouse, and bonnet sounds like "bow" + "nay".)


The Gauss-Bonnet theorem states that if we trace out a closed curve on a surface, the total enclosed Gauss curvature (total angle deficit) is 2Pi minus the total angle defect (angles of deflection) around the curve (measured in radians, naturally).


Today, we will consider some examples of the Gauss-Bonnet theorem.  We will start with surfaces having elliptic or hyperbolic 'cone' points as in our previous labs, but this theorem works for any continuous surface!


When you were asked to draw lines on your balloons, you instinctively drew the most logical thing you could think of, but the correct term is geodesic.  A geodesic is the shortest distance between two points.  Lines of longitude are geodesics, but lines of latitude are not!  For a sphere, you can find the shortest path between two points by first finding the plane which contains the center of the sphere and the two points.  That plane will cut the sphere in half along a great circle (like the equator) and will give the geodesic between the two points. 


When you drew the triangles on your paper models, you correctly drew geodesics, because you laid your paper flat to draw the lines, thus finding the shortest distance between two points.


1) On a blank piece of notebook paper, draw a straight line. Crease the paper so that the line is on both sides of the crease.  The line you drew was and still is a geodesic, even though there is a crease in the paper.  You may fold paper, roll it up, or even crumple it up, but the line you drew will still be the shortest way to get between any two points on your line!!!


The quadrilateral in this picture is made of four geodesics.  There are two 72 degree angles and two 120 degree angles.


2) What is the total angle defect for this quadrilateral?


3) Find 360 degrees minus angle defect in degrees:


4) What is the angle deficit in degrees for the vertex inside the quadrilateral?



The triangle in this picture is made of three geodesics.  Each angle is 84 degrees. 


5) Find 360 degrees minus the total angle defect for the triangle.


6) How many vertices are located inside the triangle?


7) What is the angle deficit for each vertex?


8) What is the total angle deficit in degrees inside the triangle?


One way to visualize the total angle defect is to consider what a ribbon would have to do in order to remain flat along the surface.  Each time the ribbon has to 'turn', folds must be made in the ribbon to form an angle so the ribbon can remain flat.


9) Calculate the total angle defect for this ribbon, assuming that the centers of the hexagons are connected to form a pentagon.  (Hint: Draw one hexagon and find the angle of the ribbon which lies on it.)


10) Find total angle deficit in degrees for the 5 vertices inside the ribbon.

The paper ribbon on this cube lies flat and encloses four vertices.

11) What is the total angle defect for a curve which never turns?


12) What is the total angle deficit in degrees and in radians (Gauss curvature) inside the ribbon according to the Gauss-Bonnet theorem?



These two objects are circled with ribbons which lie flat.


13) What is the total Gauss curvature on the top portion of the sphere? 


14) What is the total Gauss curvature on the right side of the soup can?


One rule we must observe when laying out the 'ribbons' on the surfaces is that we may not cut through any of our 'cone' points.  You cannot lay a ribbon flat through a vertex.


The curve shown on this star-object has total angle defect of zero and cuts the object into two portions.  The entire object has 12 hyperbolic cone points, one of which is enclosed on the visible side of the curve.  Hyperbolic cone points are comprised of 10 planar sections, each with /4 radians.  The entire object has 20 elliptic cone points, 5 of which are enclosed on the visible side of the curve.  Elliptic cone points are comprised of 3 planar sections, each with /2 radians. 


15) Verify the Gauss-Bonnet theorem for the curve on this object (in degrees or radians) for both the visible portion of this object and for the remaining portion.  (You should use other paper as needed!)


The photo of the star-object might as well be replaced by this diagram. 

If the point c is the hyperbolic cone point described above, and the remaining points are the elliptic points described above, you may answer the following question (assuming all other points inside the curve have are planar):


16) What is the total deflection of the curve?

The same diagram can be used to pose any number of questions such as:


In the given diagram, points a, b, and c are each cone points with angle deficit of /5, point d has an angle deficit of  2/5, and points e and f each have an angle deficit of -/6. 


      17) What is the total angle of deflection for the curve?


      18)  If the diagram represents a portion of an object which is topologically equivalent to a sphere, what is

             the total curvature of the object on the 'outside' of the curve?


      19)  If the diagram represents a portion of an object which is topologically equivalent to a torus (or square

             donut) what is the total curvature of the object on the 'outside' of the curve?



In the following diagram, angles are measured in radians, the only non-planar points within the curve are labeled with their Gaussian curvatures, and the curves shown are all geodesics. 


20) What is k?



21) Is there a 'net' hyperbolic effect inside the curve or a 'net' elliptic effect? 


22) If this diagram is part of an object which is topologically equivalent to a sphere, and there is only one cone point outside the curve, what is the Gaussian curvature at that cone point?


23) If the diagram is part of an object which is topologically equivalent to a torus, and there are two cone points outside the curve, each with equal Gaussian curvature, what Gaussian curvature does each cone point have?

(Note a cone point may be either hyperbolic or elliptic.)